Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha starrer Kushi was released last week amidst great anticipation and fan celebrations. While the film received mostly positive talk and decent reviews, the film hasn’t exactly managed to perform well consistently across its 4 days run so far.
On its 1st Monday Kushi completely crashed in Telugu states seeing a major dip in occupancies. In Nizam, the film had a really good weekend but following this, it witnessed a massive drop on the 1st Monday. The case has been quite contrasting in Andhra Pradesh where Kushi has not been performing well from day 1 and saw a major dip and completely crashed at the box office.
Total Telugu states share is in the range of Rs1Cr on Monday which is quite disappointing and it has become a loss venture for Andhra Pradesh buyers especially.
Directed by Shiva Nirvana, the film had a rather mixed performance in the Telugu states. In AP, the film had a decent first three days and Rs 9.5 crores as against a pre-release trade of Rs 25 crores. The Nizam region on the other hand showcased terrific performance and Kushi managed to collect a solid Rs 11 crores with the theatricals valued at Rs 15 crore.