Krithi Shetty continues to receive good offers from Tamil cinema, officially joining another exciting project. It is widely known that the young actress Krithi Shetty made a sensational debut with Uppena and received successive offers following such a huge success. Still, with continuous failures and the rise of other actresses, it became very tough for her to get offers in the Telugu film industry.
In Telugu, she works on only one film, with Sharwanand as the lead. She is doing excellent big-budget movies in other languages. Especially in Kollywood, she is on a signing spree. Krithi Shetty continues to receive good offers from Tamil cinema, officially joining another exciting project. Vignesh Shivani’s next directorial will star Krithi Shetty as the female lead opposite Pradeep Ranganathan.
Krithi has already grabbed the opportunity to work in Jayam Ravi’s Pan India big-budget project, Genie. Also, she was selected to play the heroine in Karthi’s film Vaa Vaathiyare. The Uppena star will also appear in a Malayalam film, Tovino Thomas’s big-budget 3D pan India film Ajayante Randam Moshanam.
Mainly from Tamil cinema, Krithi is getting excellent offers. With the latest film under the Seven Screens Productions banner, Krithi Shetty currently has three movies in her hands. Fans are happy as Krithi Shetty continues to receive good offers from Tamil cinema, officially joining another exciting project.