It is very well known to everyone that Superstar Rajinikanth and young star director Lokesh Kanagaraj will work on an upcoming film. The news of this fascinating combination has set fire in the Kollywood circles and now the buzz in the Tamil Cinema circles is that the team of this film in talks with Kannada Superstar Yash for a powerful and crucial character in the film.
It has been a year passed since the release of Yash’s KGF: Chapter 2. The movie was a massive hit at the box office and broke box office records everywhere it was released. In fact, the film made an impressive Rs 100 crores in Telugu, which is a remarkable accomplishment for a dubbed movie. All eyes are on Rocking Star’s upcoming film, but the star took a lot of time to confirm his next project.
After many days, it was even reported that the Rocking Star will work with Malayalam director Geethu Mohandas, The Malayalee actor/ director who is also a National Award winner. Now this new report of Yash joining his hands with Rajinikanth and Lokesh Kanagaraj for a supposed action thriller will certainly excite the fans.
Lokesh Kanagaraj has become one of the most wanted filmmakers in the country in the present times. He is currently working on Thalapathy Vijay’s big movie, ‘Leo’. Lokesh was supposed to start the much-anticipated ‘Kaithi 2’ with Karthi post-Leo, but the recent reports suggested that he is on the verge of making a film with Rajinikanth. However, we still have to wait for an official announcement about Lokesh’s movie with Superstar Rajinikanth.