Today, Tamil Film Producers Association has taken a decision of banning the reporting of reviews given by Audience outside the theatres on the opening day for all films. The Association also termed this negative review being the main reason for the debacle of recent releases, Indian 2, Vettaiyan and Kanguva. So, this makes one wonder why negative reviews are not allowed from Audience to come out.
If negative reviews had affected these films, what about other few films which won over these negative reviews and became decent to blockbuster hits. Actor Vijay will be a perfect example for this phenomenon. His recent films have attained negative reviews on the opening day but managed to perform well at the end of their final run. So, why negative reviews didn’t affect him or his films?
We need to understand by this logic that negative reviews are genuine opinions that arise out of people for many reasons. The Association’s decision of banning these negative reviews only makes it look foolish even more. It should also be known if they believe that people were spreading these intentionally. If so, the reason must also be stated by them. Not providing a valid reason and banning people’s opinion is not at all reasonable. This goes against the primary norm of respecting and caring for the audience’s choice.
Vettaiyan, Indian 2 and Kanguva had great hype ahead of the release which was also spread by their makers to the core. And if these films didn’t live up to the expectations and content as promoted aggressively by the makers, responsibility must be taken by them and they should try coming up with exciting content in the future. Instead, banning reviews and demanding only a positive talk and outcome looks childish from the Association acts.