Ranveer Singh and Deepika made Karan Johar move to tears as the latter showed the couple’s wedding video on Koffee with Karan season 8. The Bajirao Mastani Couple were the first guests to appear on Season 8 of Koffee with Karan. The first episode was full of love, joy, tears, and fun! Among the various confessions made by Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, filmmaker Karan Johar shared an emotional moment as the couple made him move to tears with their perfect bonding and chemistry.
Karan Johar lovingly shared a rare wedding video of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh on the inaugural episode of Koffee with Karan, which aired last night on Disney Plus Hot Star. After watching this, Karan became teary-eyed and expressed his desire to be in a great relationship despite being a father of two children.
Karan said, “I’m not in a relationship. I am single. Looking at this (footage) makes me feel that what I’m losing is not being in one. Not being in one (cries)…. You don’t have a partner of your own to share… like the nothings of your day. And every day I wake up, a little part of me feels that vacuum. I have my kids and mom. But when I see this (wedding footage), and I see you (Deepika and Ranveer) …. I know relationships are tough, but that soul connection with a person with whom you can hold a hand and see your day through tough times… (sobs) I don’t know if I ever had a moment on this show. I feel so happy for you two and yet so alone. I hope it (my life) manifests in a way that I have a story to tell.”
Deepika Padukone also revealed that her connection with Hrithik Roshan is palpable as the two prepare for their forthcoming film Fighter. Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, also has Anil Kapoor in a prominent role.