Tollywood Actor, Kiran Abbavaram is currently busy in his marriage preparations. The Actor’s engagement ceremony too has already happened. He will be marrying his co-star Rahasya Gorak who rose to fame with her performance in Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru. The couple went into a relationship from then. Kiran Abbavaram’s marraige date is locked and would happen on 22nd August.
The Actor will be tying the knot in the state of Kerala. Arrangements are being done as well. Some Tollywood celebrities and technicians will attend the ceremony as well. The Actor hasn’t scored a big hit yet. All his previous films have flopped at the box office. But the Actor is still trying to test his luck. He even locked a big budgeted film titled KA recently.
KA’s first look was also released. This film will be directed by a duo, Sujith and Sandeep under the production of Chinta Gopalakrishna Reddy. Sam C.S. will also be composing the music for the film. The Actor is eyeing to score a proper hit with this film. He will completely concentrate on the film after the marriage activities. So, let’s see how the film comes out. KA will either release by the end of this year or opt for next year.