Kiran Abbavaram, who made his debut in the Telugu film industry as a hero with Raja Varu Rani Garu, has scored a huge hit with SR Kalyana Mandapam, hid. Thereafter, he acted in many films, but they did not yield positive results. His upcoming film, Rules Ranjann is set to be released on the 6th October. During the promotional interview for the film, Kiran Abbavaram responded to trolls targeting him.
He said that he was well aware of the trolls which target him on social media. His family relatives and the nearest people who do not want him to success always share those troll videos or links to him every morning. Kiran Abbavaram also stated that he had to explain to his parents that the trolls are not true.
Kiran Abbavaram also said he knows all these trolls are part of the film industry, and he is okay with it as he knows he cannot stop or control them. Overall, he said that sometimes he feels bad about the trolls, but he got habituated to them.
Written and directed by Rathinam Krishna, Rules Ranjan marks Kiran Abbavaram’s third film of this year after Vinaro Bhagyamo Vishnu Katha and Meter. The upcoming film stars latest crazy heroine Neha Shetty as the female lead. Amrish is the music director of the film and one of the three songs which have been released from the film, Sammohanuda, has become a viral hit.
Produced by Divyang Lavania and Murali Krishnaa Vemuri under Star Light Entertainment, Rules Ranjan also stars an ensemble cast including Vennela Kishore, Hyper Aadi, Nellore Sudarshan, Subbaraju, Ajay, Goparaju Ramana Annu Kapoor, Siddharth Sen, Atul Parchure, Vijay Patkar, Makarand Deshpande, Abhimanyu Singh and Gulshan Pandey.