King Nagarjuna was last seen in the action thriller The Ghost, which generated good buzz before its release. But sadly, the film couldn’t perform well in its theatrical run due to inadequate execution. Sonal Chauhan played the love interest of Nag in the movie, and Praveen Sattaru of Garuda Vega fame is the director.
The news is that the film will premiere on its official streaming partner Netflix on November 2nd. Though the film didn’t perform well at the theaters, the action sequences were praised for their stylish presentation. And some felt that the story had the potential and could have been a rollercoaster ride and a blockbuster at the box office, but somehow the director couldn’t translate his thoughts onto the screen, which made the film tedious.
Besides Nagarjuna and Sonal Chauhan, The Ghost also stars Gul Panag, Anika Surendran, Manish Chaudhari, Ravi Varma, Shrikanth Iyyangar, and Bilal Hossein in pivotal roles. Actually, Kajal Agarwal was the first choice for the female lead role in the film, however, she couldn’t allott the dates due to pregnancy.
Presented by Sonali Rang, The Ghost has been produced by Suniel Narang, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, and Sharrath Marar, under the Sri Venkateswara cinemas LLP & North star entertainment banners. The cinematography has been done by Mukesh G and the songs are done by Bharat – Saurabh and Mark k Robin. The background music for The Ghost is also given by Mark k Robin.
The story of the film revolves around Vikram, an Interpol field agent, who is on a mission to save a business magnet’s son. Despite suffering from anger management issues and nightmares related to past incidents, he takes up the mission only to later face more traumatic experiences.
This fills him with guilt, eventually adding more rage to his life. What follows is a series of events revolving around the underworld and how Vikram overcomes inner struggle along with the war against the underworld in the rest of the story.