Kill, a small budgeted film released on 5th July. The film featured not so known faces in the lead roles. But the film became the most talked about film from Bollywood in the recent times in Social Media platforms. It has become very popular with a particular action scene. The film didn’t work well at the box office and grossed only around 45 crores worldwide. But after the OTT release, Kill has got a thunderous response everywhere.
The film arrived on Amazon Prime Video for foreign location people. It was streaming on a rental basis for the US audience. But the people who watched it there have posted scenes on the social media platforms. As said, they posted a particular killing scene which stunned everyone. It has been trended aggressively on X/Twitter as well. Now everyone is waiting for the official OTT release of Kill.
Kill will definitely have massive viewership after the OTT release. The film has managed to attract Telugu and Tamil Audience apart from the Hindi Audience as well. A small budgeted film with one action sequence becoming this popular is just stunning. Many are appreciating the work of film’s director, Nikhil Nagesh Bhat and the lead actor, Lakshya as well.