The much awaited Bollywood wedding has finally happened. Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra exchanged vows on Tuesday at Jaisalmer’s Suryagarh Palace. Kiara wrote,
“‘Ab humari permanent booking hogayi hai’ We seek your blessings and love on our journey ahead ❤️🙏”, on social media and shared some pictures from the event that has got the netizens beaming.
The wedding of Sidharth and Kiara was a grand one yet personal. Only the couple’s family and closest friends attended the regal and opulent wedding. In a previous interview, Kiara had stated that she would only tell the public about a romance after getting hitched, and the actress followed through on her promise. Both stars kept their relationship extremely private all these years.
Sidharth and Kiara fell in love while filming “Shershah” in Chandigarh, hence the movie holds a special place for them and their fans. However, Kiara had acknowledged on Karan Johar’s programme that she had first met him at the “Lust Stories” wrap-up party.