If the inside reports are to be believed, KGF star Yash is in talks to play the role of Raavan in Ramayan, the upcoming Pan Indian film. Bollywood filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari who also helmed Aamir Khan’s all time blockbuster Dangal has been working on the adaptation of the great Indian Epic Ramayan and the Bollywood audience have been waiting for this movie’s casting since it was announced.
Lately, the news has emerged about the film, which will just raise the expectations of the audience and make them even more excited about Nitesh Tiwari’s Visual Epic. Ranbir Kapoor will be playing lord Ram and what’s more interesting news is, KGF star Yash might play the character of Raavan in this prestigious project.
If everything goes according to the plan, the shooting of this movie will start from this summer and the scale of the film will be massive, and the audiences are very excited about this film. As Yash is already a pan-Indian star after KGF and KGF 2 and Ranbir had impressed as Shiva in Brahmastra as well.
As per the reports, the film was put on hold as the makers were unable to find an actor who can play Ravan’s role, but now it looks like their search has come to an end. Alia Bhatt is said to be appearing as Sita in this big project. Let’s see whether this ambitious attempt from Bollywood will be able to see the light or not.