Popular Kannada film based Production Banner, Hombale Films struck a golden deal with Tollywood Actor Prabhas. The Actor is also reported to be receiving a whopping 600 crore as remuneration as part of this deal. The Production House is also known for producing Blockbuster films such as KGF series, Kantara and another Prabhas’s starrer Salaar: Part 1 – Ceasefire.
Hombale Films will be producing the sequel of Salaar and two more films under the direction of Lokesh Kanagaraj and Prashant Varma. All these three are happening directors who have directed big blockbusters recently. Prabhas is already one of the bankable and most popular star of the country. So this deal will be a massive one for sure. The Actor will also be paid 200 crores for each film which is also a record remuneration.
All these three films will be made on a huge level and released as Pan India biggies. It will atleast take 3-4 years for all these to release apart from Prabhas’ other commitments. So, the Actor will see himself busy for the next 5 years. The Actor may even reach greater heights after these films.