India’s most awaited film now is KGF Chapter 2. The high voltage action celluloid is ready to set the screens on fire. Rocking star Yash and the director Prashanth Neel is busy in promoting the film as the release is just four days away. As this being the sequel of the sensational hit KGF, a lot of hype had been created among the second part. The director Prashanth Neel created his own mark in the industry with the gangster hits Ugram and KGF. And his next line up is interesting too.
Prashanth Neel’s next is Salaar with Prabhas that completed 30% of shoot already. After Salaar, Prashanth Neel will work with NTR. Talking about his film with NTR, Prashanth Neel says “I have been a fan of Jr. NTR for last 20 years. He has liked my story”. The film is tentatively called ‘NTR 31’ and will go on floors sometime next year. Prashanth Neel known for his gangster dramas is planning to work with mass image stars is a good sign for the movie lovers.