KGF Chapter 2 has joined the elite 100 crore share club at the Tollywood Box office. This is a great achievement for a Kannada film. KGF Chapter secured the same kind of craze and love from Telugu audience like the Kannada audience. The film is the only dubbed film to have this record feat in Tollywood.
KGF Chapter 2, the sequel of KGF earned many fans for its stunts, cinematography and elevational dialogues. The prequel did very well in Telugu and Tamil. Naturally the sequel maintained the same hype and craze before its release and went on to establish many records. The film pulling off this feat without any ticket price hike is very huge. KGF Chapter as said has collected more than 100 cr share for the Telugu version. Only Prabhas, Mahesh Babu, Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, NTR and Allu Arjun are members of this club. Yash will be the 7th hero to join this elite club. As said, No other dubbed film pulled off this feat.
This will be a great news for both the hero and director, Prashant Neel who are already riding high with the success of the film in Hindi. The film has collected more than 400 crores in Hindi Version which is also a country wide record.