Liger’s terrible performance and reviews have been quite an eye-opener for many industry insiders. The film was promoted heavily all over the country and was expected to be a massive pan- India launch for Vijay Deverakonda. However, the plan backfired with the project getting panned by everyone. However, the bookings for this film in Bollywood have been quite good and the film will certainly make good money over the weekend.
Coming to Nikhil’s Karthikeya 2, which is still running to packed houses in northern regions as well. The film was showcased on less than 100 screens on day one and spread to 1000 screens by the first week. The movie’s popularity and collections have been growing exponentially and Karthikeya 2 is inching towards Rs 100 crores worldwide.
Only content is speaking in Hindi and not the Heros. Even Bollywood stars like Aamir and Akshay are failing to bring the audience to theatres. But Karthikeya 2 has become a huge hit without any promotions and now Liger bookings are quite good as well despite negative reviews. The film is expected to do very good business there. This is proving the concept of pan-India heroes as false and many have realized that more than the brand image will not save big-budget films anymore.