Kollywood Actor, Karthi has lined up a film directed by newcomer Tamizh. The film, tentatively titled #Karthi29 is said to be a periodical movie in the backdrop of 1960s in Rameshwaram. It is also speculated that the film revolves around gangsters in the region. The film has already been launched and will be produced by Dream Warrior Pictures.
A concept poster of the film was released where a ship was shown sailing over the sea. The film will also be made on a large scale budget considering the span of the film. The other details of the cast and crew are yet to come out. #Karthi29 is planned as a 2025 release by the makers.
Karthi has recently witnessed a decent performer Meiyazhagan/Satyam Sundaram at the box office. He has already linedup Vaa Vaathiyaar and Sardaar 2 apart from Karthi 29. However, his recent cameo made film, Kanguva became a big disaster at the box office. Karthi appeared in the end of the film as the antagonist for Kanguva 2. But it needs to be seen if the film will be taken up due to the failing result.