Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai burst into tears as he watched the 777 Charlie movie. He wept when he found Charlie in the cinema and remembered his dog named Sunny.
The innocent love of a silent animal is the only love that pet animals have. The love and the bond between man and dog, is amazingly emotional in the movie 777 Charlie. 777 Charlie’s movie was seen by Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai, who is also a dog lover. He watched 777 Charlie’s movie on June 13 at the Orion Mall in Bangalore. Along with Director Kiran Raj, Actor Rakshit Shetty and actress Sangeetha Sringeri.
Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai burst into tears after he watched the movie. Basavaraja Bommai wept when he found Charlie in the cinema and remembered his dog named Sunny.
The dog Charlie dies in the climax of Charlie’s cinema. Basavaraja Bommai saw the scene and was saddened by the moment that his dog Sunny was passed away. As a result of the sadness of Sunny’s remembrance, CM Basavaraja Bommai, all of them, wept as children. His eyes widened at the memory of his relationship with Sunny.
Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai is a dog lover. Basavaraja Bommai had a dog named Sunny in his house. Sunny died in July last year. He said that Our home pet dog Sunny has died of old age and is deeply sad and has lost a family member. Basavaraja Bommai wrote on Twitter that Sunny was very affectionate with his family and home.