On Tuesday, the trailer for Kareena Kapoor Khan’s awaited OTT debut, Jaane Jaan, was released. Based on the best-selling mystery novel, The Devotion of Suspect X, the film is directed by Sujoy Ghosh and also stars Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Varma in key roles, and will be released on September 21st. According to reports, the novel was also the inspiration for the blockbuster Malayalam language franchise Drishyam.
Kareena plays the role of Maya D’Souza in the film, that takes place in the hill station of Kalimpong. It appears that Maya is in an abusive relationship, and her neighbor Naren has a suspicion. Jaideep is seen as Naren in the movie, and in the trailer we can see him as a creepy stalker. Vijay plays the role of Karan, a cop who arrives in Kalimpong to find Maya’s missing husband and begins a romantic relationship with her.
Karan and Naren are old friends, and he immediately inquires about Maya whom he suspects as the murderer in his investigation. While the original novel was narrated through the perspective of a clinical mathematics professor who helped her neighbor cover up her husband’s murder. Jaane Jaan seems to have been narrated through the main female character, with the math teacher acting as the killer. However, this is not clear still, and we will have to wait for the film to clear all the doubts.
Kahaani, the thriller that Sujoy is best known for, helped propel Vidya Balan to stardom, along with films like The Dirty Picture and No One Killed Jessica. Badla, which starred Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu, was his last theatrical film in 2019. He has directed a segment in the anthology film Lust Stories 2 and made a Netflix series, Typewriter, since then.