Bollywood Producer, Karan Johar has expressed that he wants to work with Tollywood Actor NTR badly. He attended the press meet after the trailer launch of Devara in Mumbai. The Producer said that he took pride in presenting Devara in Hindi markets under his banner, Dharma Productions.
Karan Johar termed NTR as his friend and also said openly that he was looking to collaborate with the Actor after Devara. This took everyone by surprise as it indicated that the duo have been discussing about a possible collaboration in the future. NTR is currently occupied with War 2 and NTRNeel. So any collaboration of the duo might only happen after the completion of these projects. Karan Johar has also hoped high on Devara for its visual effects and magnitude.
Devara, on the other hand received good response for its trailer. Many have praised the large scale budget incorporated into the film and also the performance of NTR in both the roles. The Trailer is also inching close to 10 Million Mark on YouTube. The film is scheduled for release on 27th September worldwide. Fans and Audience have been waiting eagerly for the film’s release and NTR hopes to become a Pan India sensation with this film.