A film that has taken India by storm recently is the Kannada movie Kantara. It has created a wave not only in Karnataka but across India. This is similar to what we saw with Karthikeya 2 where the content spoke more than the star. The film has crossed 100+ crores at the box office and is still going strong.
The reach of the film grew so huge that the makers decided to dub it in other languages and release the movie. The Hindi version of the film was released yesterday and performed better than some of the Hindi releases also.
Kantara has been produced by Hombale Films which is also producing Prabhas’ Salaar. As a result, Prabhas watched Kantara during its release and showed great appreciation for the film. With the Telugu release of the film taking place tomorrow, he has once again watched the movie and expressed his opinion on Instagram.
This is what the Rebel Star had to say, “Watched Kantara for the second time and what an extraordinary experience it has been! Great concept and a thrilling climax. A must-watch film in theatres!
A great man once said, “A film should not be made Pan-Indian it should become Pan-Indian.” Movies like Kantara are a great testament to that statement.