Suriya’s Kanguva set for a release in 10 languages. It is widely known that the National Award winner Suriya has teamed up with Siruthai Siva for his upcoming pan-Indian film, Kanguva. This is the biggest film in Hero’s career and one of the much awaited projects from the Kollywood next year. The makers already hinted about releasing the film in 10 languages and the latest reports strongly suggest that Kanguva movie set for release in 10 languages.
The latest updates from the industry circles is that the 3D works are under progress and the film, Kanguva is all set to be released in 10 languages. The regular updates about the film will be made shortly.
For the past several months, Suriya’s ‘Kanguva’ has been shooting at various locations, making it one of his longest-ever shoots. Kanguva unit completed the final schedule of the film in Thailand.
Devi Sri Prasad is scoring the music for ‘Kanguva’, which is co-produced by UV Creations in association with Studio Green. As said above, Kanguva movie is set for a release in 10 languages.
Disha Patani plays the female role while Kovai Sarala, Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh, Redin Kingsley, Bobby Deol, Natarajan Subramaniam, Jagapathi Babu, Anandaraj, Ravi Raghavendra, KS Ravikumar, and BS Avinash play the other important roles.