In a shocking revelation to the Bigg Boss Tamil lovers, it is now reported that Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan will leave the popular reality show. Kamal Haasan who is hosting the sixth edition of Bigg Boss Tamil, is planning to withdraw the TV series despite a big pay cheque from the show producers.
However, his fans are for sure in for a jolt and they are today figuring out what could have been the reason behind this unforeseen choice of their favorite hero, which has left all dejected.
As per many media reports, the renowned icon is expected to declare his decision formally to step down from the duties of host after the grand finale of the sixth season, which will air in January 2023.
Well, the inside reports show that Kamal Haasan is not interested in going on with the program, even though the producers have afforded him a massive hike for the next season.
Other than this, other reports state that the actor is also keen on taking a break from hosting the show because of his work-related responsibilities, therefore breaking the monotony.
Another reason being read about the actor leaving the show is the low TRP of the latest season, which has been disappointing for everybody connected with the Show.
Earlier, Kamal had also advised the participants about their performance as well. However, the show not fairing well on the TRP charts, has been a major led down for the actor it sounds.