NTR’s high-anticipated film Devara, directed by Koratala Siva, debuted on Netflix on November 8 and quickly took the platform by storm, skyrocketing to the #1 trending position. Devara has been marketed as an extraordinary visual spectacle, with grand promises of breathtaking, never-before-seen scenes.
One of the Producers,Kalyan Ram had even claimed that Devara would surpass the Hollywood movie ‘Game of Thrones’ in terms of visual brilliance, raising expectations sky-high among fans. However, some of these bold statements are now being met with skepticism and criticism.
After the movie’s entry, some viewers took to social media to poke fun at the claims, especially regarding Kalyan Ram’s comparisons to Game of Thrones. Comments on the climax, which NTR described as a “heavy emotional ride,” have also come under scrutiny, with some fans feeling the final scenes didn’t live up to the hype.
Though Devara undeniably presents high production values, critics argue that it perhaps leaned too heavily on promotional hyperbole.
Despite the backlash, Devara remains a trending success on Netflix, proving that the NTR star power continues to captivate. While the internet may be divided, Devara has undeniably made an impact on streaming and demonstrates the growing popularity of Telugu cinema on OTT platforms worldwide.