Kalki 2898 AD starring Prabhas became a biggest blockbuster this year. The film grossed more than 1000 crores worldwide with a sensational response all over. Kalki 2898 AD arrived on OTT platforms yesterday but the response was a mixed one from the audience. The film despite being a blockbuster getting a mixed response from the OTT makes one wonder if Kalki 2898 AD was overrated.
Normally when a blockbuster makes its OTT arrival the response would be big. But this is not the case with Kalki 2898 AD. There are certain films which need to be watched only in the theatres. Kalki 2898 AD also achieved a mixed review but covered it with its spellbinding visuals. So people would have not shown interest in Kalki 2898 AD since it was meant only for the theatres. One section of Audience like it whereas the other section feel that the film is a bit overrated.
The OTT response must be good for films like Kalki 2898 AD in order to generate necessary hype for the following parts. The film also released on two OTT platforms. This may also be the reason for a divided response. Let’s wait and see how it performs after some days.