Prabhas’ upcoming film, Kalki 2898 AD shooting is happening at a brisk pace. The film also stars Bollywood biggies, Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone in pivotal roles. The flick is directed by young filmmaker, Nag Ashwin in a massive span and budget produced by the reputed Vyjayanthi Movies. Recently Kalki 2898 AD’s anime part released to take the audience into the film’s world. The Anime looked very good and became a massive success all over the social media platforms.
Nag Ashwin took a big risk by introducing the world of Kalki with an Anime part. Normally it becomes very risky as if the anime fails it would impact the film’s prospects. The team released two episodes on Amazon Prime Video. Everyone was shocked and surprised with the output. The episodes are so engaging that they bring a humorous angle from Prabhas.
The visuals also looked very good. The anime series has become a blockbuster and raised huge expectations for the film. Kalki 2898 AD may bring even more fame to Prabhas throughout the country as it also has Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone on board. Prabhas is making sure his brand value remains big. He is also shooting for his other film with Maruthi.