Prabhas’ Kalki 2898 AD is inching towards its release and pan-India promotions have started getting intense. After the recent reveal of Bujji- the car, an animated series B & B: Bujji and Bhairava was released on Amazon Prime Video. The buzz for the movie is slowly picking up on a pan-India level.
To capitalize on this, the makers have planned the trailer launch on June 10th. The trailer will be launched in multiple languages while the film is scheduled to hit the screens the world over on 27th June.
Coming to the release, the Kalki 2898 AD team is planning to screen 6 shows in Andhra Pradesh. This is a result of government change and Aswini Dutt being close to Chandrababu Naidu. Since no restrictions are expected to be on shows and tickets, the benefit shows prices are also expected to be in the range of 300, to 500.
This has come as a huge boost for the makers especially considering Telangana exhibitors’ recent decision to stop the mid-night shows. We now need to see what plan Aswini Dutt and co. chalk out in Telangana.