Kalaignar 100, the biggest event of Tamil Cinema’s details are here. The entire Tamil Film Industry will comes together for Karunanidhi’s Centennial Year. The Grand Event, which will take place on January 6th, 2024, will be a night full of nostalgia, respect, and gratitude for a leader who has an unmatched impact on cinema. 25 directors are involved in the event.
All the big stars from the Tamil film industry will be gracing, and the invitation went to other industry stars as well. Kalaignar 100, the biggest event of Tamil Cinema’s details are here.
Kalaignar 100 Grand Event – Thalaivar Rajinikanth and Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan get a personal invitation
Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan were given a personal invitation to the awaited event, Kalaignar 100. On Saturday, January 6th, at the Guindy Race Course in Chennai, the Tamil Film Producers Council (TFPC) has scheduled this event. According to reports, Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan were given the initiation by the members of the Tamil Film Association on Wednesday, January 3.
TFPC’s Kalaignar 100 Event – A Celebration of Karunanidhi
This news is currently doing the rounds on social media. The TFPC’s Kalaignar 100 event is a celebration of Karunanidhi’s centennial year and his exceptional contribution to Tamil Cinema. It was previously reported that the event was planned to take place in December, and both actors were given their invitations in November 2023.
The event was canceled earlier because of the Chennai flood caused by Cyclone Michaungh, which brought the city to a standstill in December. The TFPC’s Kalaignar 100 event was then postponed from December 24, 2023, Sunday to January 6, 2024, Saturday.