It looks like Kajal’s role has been completely trimmed in Acharya. Teaser and Trailer of the film had no appearance of Kajal in them which is shocking. Kajal who happened to star opposite the lead actor in the film, Chiranjeevi is completely sidelined. No coverage was given to her. Pooja Hegde who starred opposite Ram Charan was given scope.
Makers of Acharya have roped in Kajal Aggarwal for lead heroine opposite Chiranjeevi. She even participated in the shoot and completed her part. Due to her pregnancy schedules, she was unable to take part in the film’s promotions. There were rumours about her role being trimmed but now it looks like her role is completely trimmed in the film. No one has mentioned about Kajal’s role in the film or in the pre-release event yesterday. There is no Kajal in any promotional content of Acharya after Laahe Laahe song promo in which she appeared. There was not even a tweet from Kajal about Acharya even during or after the Pre-release event.
The promo video song of Laahe Laahe which released yesterday only had Sangeetha but no Kajal. This is much shocking. We have to wait and see what happened to her role only after the film’s release.