Kajal Aggarwal who is currently busy shooting for Chiranjeevi starrer Acharya has shocked all with her latest act. Kajal’s act of spontaneity where she helped her fan on Twitter with an amount of Rs 1,00,000/- for her studies has moved all.
It all started when one of Kajal’s fans contacted a Kajal fan handle on Twitter- Hail Kajalism. The fan requested the page to help her with her situation. Apparently, the fan named Suma had lost her job recently and was an M Pharm student who needed funds to continue her education.
Seeing the request, her fans had successfully passed on the message to the actress. Kajal swiftly took action on the request and transferred Rs 1 lakh to the account of the girl much to everyone’s delight.
Later account named Amani Reddy even posted the screenshot of the transaction confirming the noble deed.
Kajal’s act has garnered great applause from all the sections. Netizens applauded the Acharya actress for her timely help. The act has once again proven to be a great example of an ideal bond between a star and their fans.