Kajal Aggarwal celebrates her new home’s opening. The actress, seen recently in Balakrishna’s Bhagavanth Kesari, moved into her new home and shared her happiness with her fans on social media. The fans are delighted to know the news. Kajal Aggarwal is all happy as she celebrates her new home’s opening.
Kajal Aggarwal, the well-known actress, is currently experiencing an exciting stage in her life as a young mother. In 2020, the Magadheera actress tied the knot with her longtime partner, Gautam Kitchlu, and in 2022, they welcomed their first child, Neil. The well-known actress, who is about to resume her movie career with exciting new projects, has recently relocated to her dream residence. Kajal Aggarwal announced this exciting life update through an Instagram post recently.
Kajal Aggarwal about her Housewarming Ceremony:
A heartfelt note was written by the Indian 2 actress on her official Instagram handle as she performed Grah Pravesh Puja at her new home with her husband Gautam Kitchlu, and little son, Neil. “So many emotions while I share this with you… We had our Grah Pravesh puja earlier this week for our holy abode, a labour of love that is now our home! Feeling so blessed, and our hearts are filled with immense gratitude @kitchlug @neil_kitchlu,” reads Kajal Aggarwal’s post.
Along with the post, the Chandamama actress shared some uplifting pictures with her family, which were taken during the housewarming ceremony. In the photographs, Kajal Aggarwal appears radiant in a baby pink kurta, which she matched with a matching dupatta and yellow palazzo. In a matching baby pink kurta and pajama, Little Neil resembled his mother. Gautam Kitchlu selected a yellow kurta, white pajama, and red shawl as his attire for the occasion