Kaithi starring Karthi became a sleeper hit. The film achieved a unanimous positive talk and rocked the box office. It was also a good hit in Telugu market. Director of the film, Lokesh Kanagaraj did Vikram later and scored sensational blockbuster with it. Fans and Audience expected him to start Kaithi 2 but he went with Leo and now with Coolie starring Rajinikanth. These put Kaithi 2 on hold again.
Kaithi 2 is expected to take off only after Lokesh Kanagaraj finishing Coolie. Karthi and team have also announced this. But it is rumoured that Lokesh Kanagaraj is planning to do a film with Aamir Khan after Coolie under Mythri Movie Makers production. If this is true then it will surely be a disappointment for the LCU fans as Kaithi 2 will get delayed further.
The craze for LCU has also gone down with the performance of Leo starring Vijay. The film secured negative reviews for its content and output. Netizens have also trolled Lokesh Kanagaraj for his shallow direction. So, he needs to comeback bag with Kaithi 2 to keep LCU in popularity. There is also Rolex character portrayed by Suriya that has to be dealt properly. So, let’s wait and see.