Kiran Abbavaram’s recent fantasy thriller KA is all set for its OTT streaming. The film was released last month for Diwali alongside Amaran and Lucky Baskhar. Surprisingly, KA managed to hold strong and emerged as a much-awaited big hit for Kiran Abbavaram.
The film’s OTT streaming rights have been bought by ETV Win. KA will stream on the platform from November 28th onwards.
Directed by Sujith and Sandeep KA was produced by Chinta Gopalakrishna Reddy. Noted Tamil Music Director, Sam C.S. gave music for the film and his score was highly appreciated. KA also starred Tanvi Ram, Nayan Sarika, and Achyuth Kumar in key roles.
The period drama is set in Krishnagiri where Kiran Abbavaram, an orphan named Abhinaya Vasudev works as a postman. What follows is a strange set of events him diving deep into the matter to investigate these events. The film was well appreciated for its screenplay and twists.