In an exclusive interaction with Track Tollywood, Kiran Abbavaram revealed the total budget for the KA movie is 15 Cr, excluding Kiran Abbavaram’s team remuneration. He also added that Chinta Gopala Krishna Reddy produced the overall film, his production house KA Productions has executed the film on the planned budget.
He also added that Vamsi has bought the total Telugu theatrical rights for 12 Cr. Due to the recent fall of the non-theatrical business, the KA non-theatrical is still not closed. Discussions are ongoing, and they will be closed this week.
KA Telugu is releasing on 31 October with premiers planned for tomorrow night. The other languages will be released next week. Directed by debutant duo Sujith-Sandeep, KA is a period film set in the 1980s, with Kiran Abbavaram playing a postman. The film will feature Nayan Sarika and Tanvi Ram in prominent roles, besides featuring Ajay and Saranya Pradeep in the supporting cast