Writer of RRR and father of director SS Rajamouli K Vijayendra Prasad has lashed out at Jr NTR fans over their ongoing dissent over RRR. Reportedly, a section of Tarak fans are unhappy with the way their hero’s role shaped out in the movie. The fans feel that Ram Charan’s role got more importance, especially towards the climax.
Unhappy with Rajamouli, some Tarak fans have been reportedly making abusive calls and threats to the ace director. Responding to this unprovoked attack, K Vijayendra Prasad in a recent interview termed the whole issue unnecessary.
“When NTR himself said that his career will be seen in terms of before RRR and after RRR, what problem do the fans have with it? How can they question his character in the movie, when he himself is super satisfied with it?” questioned the blockbuster writer.
Meanwhile, RRR is continuing its historic run and is bracing up for its second blockbuster weekend. The occupancies and advance bookings indicate heavy collections in the next two days and RRR is on course to center records in many areas.