Tamil Actor, Vishal often depicts a rebelious attitude on special occasions. He even had a big fight with Veteran Actor, Sarath Kumar for the Actors Association President post in Kollywood. There were many instances where he repeated the same attitude. Now, Vishal saw himself stuck in a legal battle for which he had to attend the court proceedings. The Judge who was overseeing the case was frustrated with Vishal’s courtroom behavior.
Vishal owns a Production Company, Vishal Film Factory. He usually takes finances and produces films and saw big losses once. The Actor made an agreement with Lyca Productions to clear the debts and he agreed to give the rights of the films in return until the debt gets cleared. The total debt amount is said to be 21 crores but he violated it and released Veeramae Vaagai Soodum, released as Samanyudu in Telugu on his own without giving rights to Lyca Productions. Lyca approached the court and the case is now running in the court.
The Lawyer representing Lyca Productions questioned about the agreement Vishal had made. Vishal then said that he knew nothing about the agreement and signs on the blank paper. This reply made the Judge very angry and he immediately said that it was not cinema and instructed him to reply properly. For another question, Vishal was believed to have said Pass and even called Judge as Boss. All these things made the Judge angry at Vishal. Don’t know why Vishal always invites controversies upon him.