SS Rajamouli’s RRR featuring Ram Charan and Jr NTR is not just a regular blockbuster. It is, in fact a cultural phenomenon now. Even months after its release, accolades for the film are pouring in from all over the world. Not just regular film lovers but even journalists, blockbuster directors and technicians from all major film industries worldwide have sung great praises of its execution.
The film remained on the top spot at Netflix viewing charts for multiple consecutive weeks further stamping its domination outside the theatres as well.
Apart from SS Rajamouli’s direction, Ram Charan and Jr NTR’s performance was also highly acclaimed worldwide. During its initial theatrical run, Ram Charan walked away with majority of accolades. However, it appears that the tide is turning in favour of Jr NTR now. Multiple film portals world over are vouching for Tarak for an Oscar nomination.
It all started when film and pop culture website Variety shortlisted Tarak as one of the probables for the best actors nomination for Oscars. Following this, the demands of the same has increased on social media and many international websites are also publishing write-ups on the same.
Rajamouli and Jr NTR’s name is now making noise on social media and this upsurge has become the talk of the town. Director Anurag Kashyap has also said that RRR has a terrific chance of making noise at the Academy Awards.