Clint Eastwood has recognized Jigarthanda Double X. Karthik Subbaraj, who directed Jigarthanda Double X, was thrilled that legendary actor-director Clint Eastwood had agreed to watch his film. On Wednesday, December 14, he took to social media to express his happiness that the legend was aware of his movie. ‘Jigarthanda Double X,’ which stars Raghava Lawrence and SJ Suryah, contains numerous scenes referencing and paying tribute to Clint Eastwood for those unaware.
Jigarthanda Double X goes to Hollywood
Vijay, a fan on X (formerly Twitter), requested that Clint Eastwood watch ‘Jigarthanda Double X,’ a tribute to him, on December 13. Upon receiving multiple comments from fans on the app, the filmmaker promised to watch the film once he completes his ongoing movie, ‘Juror 2’.
On December 14, Karthik Subbaraj woke up to the best news of Clint Eastwood, promising to watch his film. He was excited and shared happiness on social media by thanking Clint Eastwood. Also, Tamil cinema fans were delighted with Jigarthanda Double X’s recognition by Clint Eastwood.
Karthik Subbaraj’s ‘Jigarthanda Double X’ is a tribute to the art of filmmaking and natural surroundings. The film was a tribute to Clint Eastwood, Satyajit Ray, and Rajinikanth and was recognized as one of the most popular Tamil films in 2023. Indeed, because of its content, Jigarthanda Double X was recognized by Clint Eastwood.
Jigarthanda Double X is currently streaming on Netflix.