Following the success of the Ponniyan Selvan series, Mani Rathnam has joined hands with ‘Ulaganayagan’ Kamal Hassan after 25 long years. Titled ‘Thug Life’, it is touted as a high-octane action drama film with an ensemble cast of Jayam Ravi, Dulquer Salmaan, and Trisha. A. R. Rahman’s usual choice is to compose the film’s background score and songs.
While fans and audiences are excited for this Nayakan (1987) combo to take shape, the odds have not been in their favour in recent times. Dulquer Salmaan has exited the project, citing date issues, and Simbu is reportedly roped in as a replacement. Now the latest buzz is that even Jayam Ravi has opted out of the film, stating similar reasons. Both Ravi and Dulquer are reportedly offered meaty roles in the film, and their exit is a massive blow for the makers.
On the other hand, the film’s production has been put on hold by Kamal Hassan, who is also co-producing the film, due to the ongoing election season; the shoot is expected to resume in May 2024.