Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film Jawan has started its collections hunt at the box office. The film’s advance bookings have been opened in the USA and the bookings have started on a super strong note. Although the bookings were opened in a few limited locations, but it has already crossed $50K for opening day with more the 3200 tickets being sold.
The film still has 23 days to release, and these bookings indicate that the movie will open with record numbers. It is being reported that the film’s advance bookings have opened in the UAE as well.
Shah Rukh Khan has a big market in the United Arab Emirates. His last film, ‘Pathaan’ co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, had collected more than Rs 100 crore in three weeks in the UAE circuit and had emerged as the highest grossing Indian film there and in the Gulf states.
The buzz in the trade circles suggests that the makers are counting on the super stardom of SRK, hoping that the movie will recreate the success of ‘Pathaan. There is a big anticipation around the film’s collections in the USA and UAE.
Made by Atlee, the film ‘Jawan’ will be released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi, the Tamil and Telugu versions will also be available with subtitles in Arabic and English. It has been informed by the inside circles that there will be between four and five shows of ‘Jawan’ in each language. In America, the movie has a runtime of 2 hours and 45 minutes, while in the UAE, ‘Jawan’ it is 2 hours and 50 minutes long.