In an extraordinary turn of events, the music rights of the Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film, Jawan music rights were sold for an all-time record price of Rs 36 crore by T-Series. The competition for this action entertainer’s music rights happened with top music companies, but in the end, T-Series emerged as the winner by acquiring the music rights of ‘Jawan’. This is a record deal ever for a Bollywood film. It is very well known to everyone that the music of Jawan is being composed by Anirudh Ravichander.
The film marks the Hindi Film Debut of Blockbuster Tamil Director, Atlee, and stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles. There had been a lot of talk about the teaser and the release date of the movie, and it was reported that the teaser of Jawan will be released on July 7th.
Jawan is set to be a Pan India release on September 7 and has its music composed by Anirudh Ravichander. It’s touted to be one of the biggest films of 2023. The film is produced by Red Chillies Entertainment with Atlee.
It was reported that Sanjay Dutt had been roped in for a special cameo in the film. The role was initially offered to Allu Arjun, but he dropped out and at that time even the name of Thalapathy Vijay was also appeared for the same role, but it did not materialize.