Jaragandi song release has been officially postponed. It is widely known that a few days ago, the makers of Ram Charan and Shankar’s Game Changer announced that the first single, Jaragandi, would be unveiled for Diwali. Ram Charan fans were happy because of the most significant update from the production house. However, the makers recently informed that the Jaragandi song’s release has been officially postponed.
There was a set of rumors regarding the song Jaragandi’s postponement. Much to the dismay of Charan fans, as previously announced, the Jaragandi song won’t be released for Diwali. The team released an official note stating the same. According to the makers, the song’s release was postponed due to unavoidable audio documentation issues between different films. Later on, the new release date will be communicated.
The fans are extremely unhappy with this delay, and definitely, this is not the right way for the makers to promote a big film like Game Changer, which is being made on a massive budget, and the shoot of the movie started two years back.
The team guaranteed that the delay would be worth it. “Everything from Game Changer will be the best,” wrote the makers. Fans of Charan will need to wait a little longer for the song. Dil Raju, an ace producer, is funding this prestigious project under Sri Venkateshwara Creations. The music is being composed by S Thaman.