Japan Movie’s Censor Report comes positive. The upcoming film of Karthi, the renowned actor in both Tamil and Telugu film industries, has completed the Censor formalities, and the details like the film’s runtime and story plot are out.
The story of the film revolves around a massive theft of famous Jewellery. The theft makes the film’s protagonist a target of many criminal gangs who are after him. The film’s runtime is 156.6 Minutes (2 Hrs 36 minutes), and it received a U/A Certificate.
On November 10, 2023, Karthi, the Kollywood actor, will release his 25th milestone movie, Japan, at Tamil and Telugu theaters. Anu Emmanuel is the female lead in this entertaining action drama directed by Raju Murugan.
The censorship process for the film was completed recently, and it received a U/A certificate. The Telugu audiences are also eagerly waiting for the film; now, as Japan Movie’s Censor Report, runtime, and story plot details are out, they will be more intrigued to watch it.
Japan also features Sunil, Vijay Milton, KS Ravikumar, Sanal Aman, Vagai Chandrasekar, and other talented actors. Dream Warrior Pictures produced the movie, with GV Prakash Kumar being the composer.