Tollywood Actor, Pawan Kalyan leads a political party known as Janasena. His nephew and another Tollywood Actor Allu Arjun raised controversy by campaigning for his friend who represents the rival party of Janasena, YSRCP in the last Assembly Elections. Since then all is not well within Mega Family and Pawan Kalyan fans have been targetting Allu Arjun. Now, Janasena MLA has made fun of Allu Arjun openly.
Janasena Tadepalligudem Constituency MLA, Bolisetty Srinivas has riduculed Allu Arjun by saying that he had no fans. He also said that there were no Allu Arjun fans separately but only Mega Fans and also appealed him to not over-assume himself. The MLA also felt that there were fans only for Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan but not to Allu Arjun. These comments have become viral and trending now. Allu Arjun fans have also been countering them.
Recently, Allu Arjun has deteriorated the situation by stating that he would support anyone if he thinks it is necessary. These comments were taken as a reply to the criticism that he was receiving since the election time. We have to see how the situation goes in the future. Anyway this doesn’t look good within Mega family anymore.