Thalapathy Vijay fans wait is over. It is widely known that Tamil Star Actor Vijay is working on his 69th film, which will be his last one. Today, on the occasion of Republic Day, the film’s first look has been released. The film’s title is Jana Nayagan.
Vijay is undoubtedly the last promising big star in Kollywood, all his films pull big box office numbers, and the main reason for this is, that all his films pack all the commercial elements So, even though there might be some complaints about content, Vijay’s stardom pulls the numbers with the help of commercial packaging.
As Vijay is entering politics, he announced Thalapathy 69 as his last film, The First Look released today on the occasion of Republic Day. Jana Nayagan’s first look is out, much to the happiness of Vijay’s fans.
A Political Spark in Jana Nayagan’s First Look
The first look poster seems to be more inclined towards Viajy’s political ambitions as Vijay is quitting movies for politics and it looks like he wants this film to deliver a political message. If it rightly blends with commercial entertainment, then it is fine but if the film has more touch of political ambitions, then the audiences may not connect well in theatres. We have seen many instances of this. Audiences come to theatres for entertainment, and Political ambitions should not dominate the film’s content.
Moreover, the film’s rights are sold at record prices, and all sections of audiences should come to the theaters like Vijay’s previous films to get a big success for buyers, Definitely, Jana Gana Nayagan is a bold risk for the buyers. As of now, the team has not mentioned the release date, but it is likely to arrive on Pongal 2026 Pongal and will not be released this year.