Superstar Rajinikanth and all the actors and team of ‘Jailer’ are celebrating the success of the movie. The film, which was directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, is in the process of reaching the Rs 600-crore mark. Sun Pictures posted on September 1 that the head, the producer Kalanithi Maran, gave Rajinikanth a gift of brand-new BMW X7.
In the video, Rajinikanth is pleasantly surprised by Maran’s gesture. The BMW X7 series has an on-road price of over Rs 1.25 crore. Rajinikanth received the car, along with a massive remuneration of around 200 CR for Jailer.
Jailer has recently crossed Kamal Haasan’s Vikram’s (Rs 184Cr gross) collections in Tamil Nadu, and it gathered around 80Cr in Telugu states. 62Cr+ gross in Karnataka, 52Cr gross in Kerala. Overall, for 18 days, Jailer had collected around 390Cr gross in India and in Overseas around 187 Cr, which makes the total gross up to 577Cr gross worldwide, and it has every chance to collect 600Cr in its full run.
Jailer, the film tells us the story of a retired Jailer who hunts down on a big criminal gang who kidnapped and supposedly killed his son, who is a police officer. He takes the help of his old friends and contacts in this process.