Rajinikanth’s latest film, Jailer, is shaking the box office with its terrific performance on each passing day in its first week. After having a fantastic first weekend, the film continued to get superb collections on Monday and yesterday being Independence Day, it took the fullest advantage and registered more nos than the 1st day in many areas in the Telugu states. Coming to the overall nos, Jailer has emerged as the second-biggest first week opener for Kollywood.
Until now, Rajinikanth and Shankar’s 2 Point O was the biggest 1st week opener for Kollywood with collecting more than 450Cr+ gross worldwide. The Hindi and Telugu version’s big numbers were a huge plus for the film. The second position is with Ponniyin Selvan 1 with around 330Cr gross.
Now the Jailer breaks this record as with today’s collections Jailer will cross the 350Cr gross mark worldwide and 6 days gross will be approx 390Cr, and it will comfortably cross the 400 Cr mark today. Overall, it will settle as all time top 2nd biggest 1st week opener for Kollywood after 2 Point 0.
Directed by Nelson Dilip Kumar who has earlier directed projects like Vijay’s Beast and Siva Karthikeyan’s Doctor, this Rajini starrer was successful in creating the required buzz in the audience thanks to its exciting trailer, songs and a loaded star cast consisting of Mohanlal, Ramya Krishna, and Shiva Rajkumar.
Rajinikanth’s extraordinary screen presence and action episodes left a lasting impression on everyone. Nelson made a strong comeback after a failure like Beast, while Anirudh’s BGM was a major highlight of the movie.