Tamil young director Nelson Dilipkumar is on a roll in his career. Though his film, Beast, Thalapathy Vijay became a big failure at the box office, he gave an outstanding comeback with Jailer, starring Superstar Rajinikanth in the lead role. The film went on to become the all-time blockbuster in Tamil Language. Now, as per the reports, Nelson is making his debut in the production.
Nelson will produce a new film, which will be directed by Siva Balan. It is reported that Anirudh Ravichander will compose the music for the film. Kavin, the upcoming Tamil Actor and actress Priyanka Arul Mohan will appear as the lead pair in this film.
The Tamil Cinema fans are commenting that this film will be a massive hit and will provide a big break for the actor, Kavin who recently got married.
Priyanka Arul Mohan is an emerging sensational actress in South Indian cinema.
She made her debut in Kollywood with the film Doctor (2021) directed by Nelson Dilipkumar. Following this, she acted in Suriya’s Etharkum Thunindhavan and Siva Karthikeyan’s Don.