Superstar Rajinikanth’s latest film, Jailer, was released in theaters on August 10. The film has become a massive blockbuster as it has collected over Rs 620 crore Gross worldwide and is still putting up decent numbers at the box office. Now it has added another record to its name as it creates history and becomes the no 1 grosser of Indian Cinema in Malaysia.
The previous record of the no 1 grosser in. Malaysia was in the name of Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale. Jailer collected more than 25Cr gross in Malaysia and the distributor has announced this officially.
The Distributor’s official handle, Ayngaran International, took to the official Twitter Account and stated they are proud to announce that Jailer has grossed the highest collection in Malaysia among all Indian films by a huge margin. They mentioned that this is a moment that has never been seen before in history.
Written and directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, ‘Jailer’ is a commercial action entertainer featuring Rajinikanth as Tiger Muthuvel Pandian. The film also features Vinayakan, Ramya Krishnan and Vasanth Ravi in lead roles. Tamannaah mesmerized audiences in a song in the film, while Mohanlal, Shiva Rajkumar and Jackie Shroff appeared in stunning cameo roles in the film.