Jailer continues its top position in Kollywood Overseas films. Ever since the latest film of Thalapathy Vijay, Leo was released, there has a very interesting battle between Jailer and Leo. From the box office collections to the BMS Ratings, the fans of both the heroes have an intense competition, but finally Rajini’s film settled as Top 1 film of Kollywood. Jailer continues its top position in Kollywood Overseas films.
Leo came very close to Rajinikanth’s Jailer, but just missed it by a minor margin. Overall, Jailer’s Overseas gross is at 23.7M and Leo’s Gross is at 23.6M and ended up its run at the box office. Jailer leads by Leo with a 100K margin and continues to be the number one grosser, and it continues the top position in Kollywood Overseas films.
Meanwhile, Leo, released on October 19th, did exceptionally well in all the territories in the 1st week, and everyone expected the film would easily break the records of Rajinikanth’s Jailer quickly. However, after the 1st week, the film saw a considerable drop everywhere except Tamil Nadu.
In Tamil Nadu, the film maintained a decent momentum with a good jump over the weekends, but with no good support from the other markets, the movie has struggled to surpass the 600Cr mark.