After the blockbuster success of Hanuman, all eyes are now on the sequel Jai Hanuman. Jai Hanuman was announced towards the end of its prequel much to the fans’ excitement. The script was already locked and the movie will be crafted on a big canvas. The movie will feature a stellar cast and popular craftsmen will be part of it.
Prashanth Verma started the pre-production works of the movie on the momentous day of the inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Temple. The unit has now come up with a new poster for the film on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanthi. The poster features Lord Hanuman standing valiantly on the cliff with a mace in hand, even as a fire breathing dragon is approaching him.
Prasanth Varma is bringing dragons to the Indian screen for the first time and this poster has definitely brought great excitement and hype for the film. The poster gives hints about the kind of experience we are going to get with top-end VFX and other technicalities.
Jai Hanuman will be released on IMAX 3D. The other details of this magnum opus are awaited. Incidentally, the team is celebrating 100 days of HanuMan today.